Qobuz Family Subscription Launched

Posted on 18th June, 2020

Qobuz Family Subscription Launched

Qobuz wants to make hi-res streaming a family affair.

Qobuz continues its hi-res audio evangelism with today's announcement of its new Qobuz Family plan that allows up to six members to access a single account from £24.99 per month.

The new streaming plan enables generous audiophiles to share the hi-res love with friends and family for just a tenner a month more than an individual subscription. This option is available on both current Qobuz plans - Studio Premier and Sublime+.

Studio Premier allows unlimited streaming in up to 24-bit / 192 kHz, is free for the first month (if you're a new customer) then £24.99 per month for up to six household members - or £249.99 annually with no free trial.

Sublime+ also allows unlimited HD streaming but also offers discounted hi-res downloads, and costs £349.99 per year for up to six household members. Again, there's no free trial for this.

Naturally, current Qobuz customers have the option to upgrade to a Family plan. If you do, you get to invite five other household members to join the account with independent memberships that can be used simultaneously. Thankfully, each family member can manage their individual favourites, playlists, listening history and settings. So, no putting up with your sibling's shocking taste or endless Dad rock. 

Qobuz Family offers more than 50 million tracks, with music from every genre plus integrated articles, performer and production credits, original reviews, and curated playlists. 

      Jay Garrett's avatar

      Jay Garrett

      StereoNET UK’s Editor, bass player, and resident rock star! Jay’s passion for gadgets and Hi-Fi is second only to being a touring musician.

      Posted in:Hi-Fi Music
      Tags: qobuz 


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